Learn with Recreus

"The surface of the printed part has nothing to do with the responsiveness of the material or its mineralization effect"
NO, the truth is that 'the greater the printing surface, the greater the reaction capacity'.
That is, the greater the surface area of the part printed with Purfier, the greater the CO2, NOx and VOC adsorption capacity it will achieve.
We will understand this better with the following example.
If we compare the total surface area of a golf ball and a Ping Pong ball of the same size and dimensions, we can appreciate that the golf ball has a surface full of indentations or hollows to aid in its aerodynamics with the intention that it can rise more easily and reach farther in flight. (Detail of the golf ball in the figure below).

These hollows provide a much larger total surface area for the golf ball than if, on the other hand, the surface of the ball were completely smooth and without hollows. That is, the case of a Ping Pong ball. (Detail of the Ping Pong ball in the image below).

If we were to stretch all the holes along the length of the golf ball, we would fill and occupy much more surface area than with the total surface area of the Ping Pong ball.

So if we print a golf ball and a Ping Pong ball of the same size with Purifier, there would be a greater responsiveness of the Purifier material on the golf ball than on the Ping Pong ball, because it has a larger surface area.
As can be seen in the comparative image above, the volume to surface area ratio is higher in the golf ball (left image) than in the sphere (right image simulating a Ping Pong ball).
In this other example of vases printed with Purifier that we can see in the image below, if we assume that both are the same size, the vase on the left because of its holes and design, is potentially more likely to make more reaction because of its larger total surface area (like the golf ball), than the plain vase on the right (like the Ping Pong ball).

"The greater the infill or thickness of the part printed with Purifier, the greater the responsiveness"
NO, it has nothing to do with it.
The key is on the surface by the contact of the material, so it has nothing to do with the thickness of the piece.
Even if we print a thicker piece or with more infill with Purifier, it will not increase the responsiveness of the material, since the reaction occurs on the surface of the material which is the part that adsorbs the greenhouse gases.
For example, we can see this clearly reflected in the following image below in which we have two pieces printed with Purifier, a coaster and a cube.
The coaster, having a larger surface area, will have greater reactivity. However, if we were to extend the entire surface of all the faces of the cube, its total surface area would be less than that of the coaster, so the material would be less responsive to the coaster design.

"Plastic does not mineralize CO2, NOx and VOC emissions even by a measurable amount"
NO, this is not correct. Plastic by itself does not mineralize emissions, however, Purifier materials are additive with a mineral compound (smart particles) that performs the catalytic reaction of VOCs removal on the surface of the printed piece.
This statement is confirmed by the gas adsorption analysis report carried out by the University of Alicante. This document can be consulted on our website or here.

"The effects of the Purifier reaction end and expire after a period of time"
NO, it is not true.
The effects of the adsorption reaction of the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's), CO2 and NOx of the Purifier range last indefinitely through the printed piece.
Their reaction and effects last over time as long as we maintain the printed piece and do not destroy it.
The reaction that takes place is a surface adsorption that eliminates VOCs and generates inert microparticles. These are detached from the surface leaving it free to continue the adsorption process continuously.
"You have to provoke a reaction in some way for Purifier to start adsorbing the gases"
NO, this is not true.
On the one hand, for the reaction to occur we need the Purifier material to come into contact with UV rays from sunlight and H2O from ambient humidity to produce the catalysis and photocatalysis processes.
Once the material comes into contact with these two elements, the reaction effects of the adsorption of the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's), CO2 and NOx from the Purifier range occur immediately.
As soon as the part is printed, the reaction is already working. There is no need to activate or do anything at all. Its effects are automatic and natural.
"You have to print a part with Purifier for its reaction and adsorption effect to work"
NO, it is not really like that.
The effects and reaction reside in the material itself when it comes in contact with UV rays from sunlight and H2O present in the ambient humidity. These elements activate the catalysis and photocatalysis process converting the harmful greenhouse gases into harmless mineral nanoparticles.
So the filament spool itself. outside the bag (its most superficial part), and in contact with the ambient H2O and UV rays, would already be working and adsorbing the gases to mineralize them.
Printing the Purifier filament we will be able to create a design that brings out the full potential of this material and its effects, so printing pieces of large surfaces for rooms inside the home, would be a success.