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(46 Recensioni)
El filamento funciona correctamente, ya había utilizado filamentos TPU flexibles pero este es el más flexible que he utilizado, funcionó a la primera a pesar de usar una impresora anet e12, eso sí, tengo instalado extrusor directo y use una velocidad de 30m/s, ventilación del 25% y temperatura de 230c°. Muy satisfecho con el producto, me gustaría probar pronto otros filamentos de esta marca.
Excelente opción para el aeromodelismo
Fácil de imprimir y en efecto, permite crear partes muy, muy ligeras ideales para la construcción de aeromodelos. Imprimiendo piezas con una sola línea de perímetro y sin relleno el resultado obtenido se asemeja a papel o cartón. Puede servir para otras aplicaciones, como por ejemplo para hacer pantallas para lámparas.
Muy buen filamento con un acabado mate que le da un toque sofisticado a las piezas.
Recomendado 100%
Filaflex 60A filament is a great filament for printing ultra flexible parts. However it is very difficult to set up correctly on some printers. However I managed to print 60A on my Prusa MK4 printer. It took me some time and different actions on my printer to achieve a good result. You can find the printer modifications and print settings on the Prusa forum.
It's what I've been looking for
I now own 7 different colors. Very cool filament, and a PHENOMENAL color selection :)
After printing 20+kg of filaflex 82A over a few years it is safe to say it's an excellent filament. Never experienced any faults that weren't process related.
As with all flexibles that I have tried it is a more challenging print process the softer you go. I have pushed limits and scrapped well over 5kg of prints made in Filaflex 82A. My experience spans from printing on cheap open bedslinger systems to more refined enclosed systems. Nozzles I have used are 0,4, 0,6 and 0,8mm. The general rule is that the printing needs to be slow, and very slow if the designs have any form of overhangs.. The overhangs want to curl up, and if that starts it only gets worse. It helps to run larger nozzles for both process stability and part strength.
This filament needs to be well dried for printing, so I nowadays print directly out of an active dryer to avoid any such problems.
My impression is that Ninjaflex 85A is slightly softer than Filaflex 82A despite the numbers saying otherwise.
I find that 95A filaments in general seldomly are flexy or "rubbery/grippy" enough when a flexy part is needed. By tuning the shell and infill parameters a wide range of softness can be achieved with this 82A filament.
The pictured play car design is a paid model that can be seen at the below link. The 4 tyres, the seat and the dampening bodies in the shock absorbers are all printed from Filaflex 82A with very good results. Suitable softness for the application and very durable.
The 240mm diameter rear tyres designed for the car are free to download on the below link and fit standard 6,5" hoverboard motors. Filaflex 82A has been a good filament to create maintenance free tyres that provide grip and ride comfort for the application.
Direct drive, not too tight with the bed level and Go Slow! It's been a good experience with what is probably the most flexible filament on the market.
ShoreA75 without changing the hardware!!
Soft prints, no headaches. Before this filament I used filaflex 70 it was good and probably more durable but I had to modify my printer print slower, and do a lot of maintenance.
With this I get the softness I needed the extruder can extrude faster and the print quality is always the same.
I use it to do custom insoles for shoes and the time I save with foamy is a game changer.
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I ordered from USA and the product arrived under 1 week with free shipping. The 95A is perfect for what I needed. Firm rubber which I use to pad a bump stop on our bike rack systems. Pretty happy to see it working. I print on a Bamboo Labs P1S and set the retraction to the recommendation for Filaflex and it prints perfectly! No stringy fingers between parts.
Es un filamento fácil de imprimir y muy ligero si lo imprimes con bajo flujo, yo al principio he tenido problemas con las retracciones por no leer las recomendaciones,
sobretodo de velocidad de desplazamiento
Works brilliantly
Used it on a 40x40cm glass bed on open printer. At a bed temperature of 40C everything sticks without warping. Easy enough remove parts - just heat to 80-85C and remove with scraper.