Filaflex 70A
El filamento flexible Filaflex 70A, ’Ultra-Soft’, es un filamento altamente elástico y avanzado de la gama Filaflex para impresoras 3D.
- Dureza Shore 70A
- 900% de estiramiento
- Muy alta elasticidad
- Inodoro
- No requiere cama caliente
- Fabricado en la UE

El filamento flexible Filaflex 70A, ‘Ultra-Soft’, es un filamento flexible muy elástico TPU (poliuretano termoplástico) cuyas propiedades lo hacen comparable a la silicona. Tiene una dureza shore 70A, llegando a alcanzar hasta un 900% de estiramiento hasta la rotura.
La mayor ventaja de este filamento TPU flexible es su propiedad elástica. Tras el estiramiento, este filamento flexible vuelve a su forma original sin deformarse ni romperse.
El filamento flexible Filaflex 70A no es apto para hotends All Metal, puesto que el filamento podría quedar pegado y no fluir debidamente, y tampoco es recomendable su impresión en máquinas o impresoras 3d con extrusión tipo bowden. No obstante, ante cualquier duda, consúltanos y te asesoraremos.
Los filamentos flexibles de la gama Filaflex se caracterizan por tener gran adherencia con la mesa de impresión, por lo que no necesitan mesa caliente, blue tape, cinta kapton, laca ni cualquier otro adhesivo en spray. Además, son inodoros y resistentes a ciertos tipos de disolventes y combustibles. Su impresión requiere de unas pautas distintas a los filamentos rígidos. Para ello hay que configurar de forma apropiada la impresora 3D.
El filamento flexible Filaflex 70A no es tóxico y puede estar en contacto con la piel. Consultar para uso médico o alimentario. Se puede usar para crear piezas que requieran de una alta elasticidad o flexibilidad como:
– Plantillas: plantillas ortopédicas.
– Prótesis y modelos de órganos: prótesis de brazos, manos, órganos para simulación de operaciones quirúrgicas, …
– Objetos y piezas flexibles para industria, automoción: topes, juntas, neumáticos, grippers…
– Piezas textiles y complementos: prendas textiles, tejidos, impresión sobre prendas, bolsos, pendientes,…
– Calzado: suelas, zapatos, sandalias, zapatillas, …
Descubre cómo imprimir Filaflex 70A en la impresora Bambu Lab P1P/P1S con este vídeo tutorial
- Temperatura de impresión
- 215-235°C.
- Velocidad de impresión
- 20-40 mm/s.
- Tolerancia del diámetro
- 0,04 mm.
- Altura de capa
- 0,08-0,3 (para boquillas de 0,4 mm). Resultados óptimos 0,2 mm.
- Velocidad de retracción
- 35-50 mm/s a una distancia de 2,5-6 mm.
- Velocidad de travelling
- 160-200 mm/s.
- Dureza Shore
- 70A
Color seems to make a difference
It is a good filament very stretchy and resistant to tear with high elasticity, very difficult to deform permanently without heat.
The problem I have is it's tendency to clog and the need to constantly clean the gears of my extruder. It also has a very high humidity absorption.
All of this problems are explained by the company the only issue I have noticed is that the skin colored filament clogs frequently and it has been imposible to use. I have no issues with transparent and black
Buon filamento molto morbido e resistente e neppure troppo diffi
Buon filamento molto morbido e resistente e neppure troppo difficile da stampare con i soliti accorgimenti tipici dei filamenti flessibili. Usato per stampe funzionali in contato con acqua calda e detersivo. Sono soddisfatto.
Good Filament
It's a good filament and can be printed on a Prusa i3 Mk3S at 20 mm/s. It's *extremely* tear resistant. Don't heat the PEI bed and maybe use Kapton tape, else it will be nigh impossible so separate. However, 1 star is lost due to claiming it being resistant to acetone and solvents. I'm really a bit confused here, because it actually dissolves really happily in acetone and even ethanol. Can be a good thing though, if you accidentally welded it to your build plate...
Filaflex 70A in an upgraded Ender 3 Printer
My experience with 70A has been very steady so far. It’s been difficult but nothing I haven’t been able to handle yet. There have been many test prints and calibration prints. But I now have my 70A settings just how I like them. My printer is an old ender 3 with some upgraded bits. I’m running a microswiss direct drive kit, an e3d v6 hotend(attached to the microswiss cooling block), a PEI bed, and a silent motherboard. Most importantly though, is the 0.6mm nozzle. I had clogging issues occasionally on a 0.4mm and printing times were very long. But I’ve been able to print smoothly and consistently at a rate of 30-40% faster in most cases. My setup probably isn’t very optimal or effective for the time and effort it requires, but it’s been fun to grow my printing capabilities and knowledge through building it.
I really like this
I don't have a lot of 3D printing experience, but I have been able to get some very nice super-flexy prints of a product shell at 0.8mm thickness around the outside with this using a Ender 3 V2 with a Sprite Pro direct drive extruder.
I had slow the speed to 10mm/s and I'm using 240c temp and 0.32 layer height. The transparent also has a nice shiny Fresnel lens appearance.