The most elastic filament on the market, only suitable for the most 'PRO'

It was a challenge and we did not stop until we achieved it. In our incessant search and research process to manufacture and achieve maximum elasticity in elastic filaments for 3D printing, we did it! It is here and we have the honor to introduce you to the new Filaflex 60A ‘PRO’ filament.

  • Under the umbrella of the Filaflex family and baptized as ‘PRO’, Filaflex 60A ‘PRO‘ is only suitable for the real ‘PRO’, that is, for professionals or experienced flexible printing professionals.
  • It is positioned as the small and new member of the family of our brand ‘Filaflex’, which, despite its youth, and on its own merits, stands out for its great properties, for being the most elastic filament of all, with a SHORE hardness ‘A’ 60.
  • Like its older brothers (Filaflex 70A ‘Ultra-Soft’, Filaflex 82A ‘Original’ and Filaflex 95A ‘Medium-Flex’), Filaflex 60A ‘PRO’ has the property of elasticity. That is, after stretching it returns to its original shape without deforming, as long as the elastic limit of the material is not exceeded.

Why now?

  • With a growing community of fans of flexible, experienced and knowledgeable people who print with flexible filament (even Filaflex 70A filament) and, above all, thanks to the appearance on the market of new ‘low cost’ 3D printers, like the Artillery Sidewinder x1, which perfectly prints this type of soft and elastic filaments, it was time to continue evolving and advancing in the search for maximum elasticity.
  • It is time to take a step further and satisfy the need to print with very soft materials close to silicone. Something unique and unmatched in the market.
  • A filament that meets the demands of our quality standards and the expectations of the most ‘PRO’ people in the flexible field.

Therefore, you already have here what you requested so much. A material with optimal mechanical properties, being perfectly printable on direct extrusion 3d printers.

For this reason and for all this, WELCOME TO THE WORLD FILAFLEX 60A ‘PRO!

Let’s keep creating and changing the world with elastic filament 3D printing. Breaking the limits of our imagination.

Because ‘Creativity is Flexible’.

Discover it!

Filaflex 60A

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8 Recensioni 
Filaflex 60A "PRO", il filamento flessibile più elastico sul mercato, adatto solo ai più "pro" e impavidi della stampa con filamenti flessibili. Durezza Shore 60A 950% di allungamento Elasticità elevatissima Inodore Non richiede un letto riscaldato Prodotto nella UE
57,90 $