Why is Filaflex an elastic filament?

In general, there are many general doubts regarding the concept of ‘elasticity’ and the way to name or refer to a material or filament with this property. That is why, below, we are going to address this issue in a brief and simple way so that it is as clear as possible.

Elasticity vs Flexibility

We must differentiate two very similar concepts and qualities: ‘ELASTICITY’ and ‘FLEXIBILITY’.

  • Elasticity is the quality that a material has to stretch without deforming, when the force ceases.
  • Flexibility is the mechanical property that a material has to bend without breaking, but altering its shape after stretching.

As we can see, both qualities share the property of the material to bend and stretch, but with the difference that an elastic material can do so by suffering reversible deformations, that is, it will recover its original shape, while a flexible one will not. As simple as that!

Filaflex, elastic filament

  • Filaflex, taking into account the above definitions, is an elastic filament. This means that, due to its mechanical properties, it does not deform, does not break, and even the measurement of its diameter does not change, once we stretch it.
  • Filaflex has the ability to return to its original state after the cessation of force, without changes and remaining with the same shape. All this, as long as the elastic limit of the material is not exceeded.

What is elongation?

Now we are going to analyze another important concept: elongation.

  • Elongation is the magnitude that measures the increase in length that a material experiences when it is subjected to a tensile stress before it breaks.
  • The elongation is expressed as a percentage (%) with respect to the initial length.

In this sense, elongation will be the percentage of stretch that an elastic material has. That is, how much more the length of the material increases after being stretched. The higher the percentage of elongation or stretch, the more elastic the material will be.

Elongation percentages of the filaments of the Filaflex range

As expected, being elastic, the filaments of the Filaflex range have a percentage of elongation. Next we will see what elongation percentages present the different filaments in the range, taking into account their Shore hardness.

Because ‘Creativity is Flexible’.

Know all the filaments of the most famous elastic range, Filaflex 

Filaflex 60A

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8 Überprüfung(en) 
Flexibles Filament Filaflex 60A 'PRO', das elastischste und flexibelste Filament auf dem Markt, nur für 'Profis' und Unerschrockene unter den Anwendern von flexiblen Filamenten geeignet. Shore-Härte 60A 950% Dehnung Sehr hohe Elastizität Geruchsneutral Kein heißer Drucktisch erforderlich Hergestellt in der EU
57,90 $

Filaflex 70A

star star star star star_half
7 Überprüfung(en) 
Flexibles Filament Filaflex 70A, 'Ultra-Soft', ist ein hochelastisches und fortschrittliches Filament aus der Filaflex-Reihe für 3D-Drucker. Shore-Härte 70A 900 % Dehnung Sehr hohe Elastizität Geruchsneutral Kein heißer Drucktisch erforderlich Hergestellt in der EU
54,90 $

Filaflex 82A

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7 Überprüfung(en) 
Flexibles Filament Filaflex 82A, ‘Original’, ist das Spitzenprodukt unter den elastischen Filamenten der Filaflex-Reihe. Das meistverkaufte und beliebteste flexible Material für 3D-Drucker. Shore-Härte 82A 650% Dehnung Hohe Elastizität Geruchsneutral Kein heißer Drucktisch erforderlich Hergestellt in der EU
44,90 $

Filaflex 95A

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2 Überprüfung(en) 
Flexibles Filament Filaflex 95A, ’Medium-Flex’, ist das perfekte Filament für die Kenner des flexiblen Drucks. Es ist ein halbflexibles elastisches Filement, das mit allen 3D-Druckern kompatibel ist, auch mit solchen mit einem Extrusor vom Typ Bowden (mit Rohr). Shore-Härte 95A 500% Dehnung mittlere Elastizität Kompatibel mit allen Druckern...
44,90 $